Upper Mount Gravatt State School, our Curriculum is based on the Australian
Curriculum which is designed to teach students what it takes to be confident
and creative individuals and become active and informed citizens. We teach, assess and report on eight learning
areas -
and Social Sciences
and Physical education
Arts – Music, Dance, Drama, Media, Visual Art
and Digital Technology
other than English (LOTE). Chinese
Mandarin is taught from Prep to year 6.
Using knowledge of the Australian Curriculum and their learners, teachers adapt the C2C (Curriculum into the Classroom) work units to design teaching and learning which delivers opportunities that meet the students’ needs and interests so they may develop the content knowledge and skills required in each learning area. Teachers maintain consistency across the year level and ensuring reliability of the summative assessment tasks. Key considerations in unit planning at all year levels are:
Students receive feedback from teachers about their work to assist them with setting and achieving their learning goals. Teachers utilise feedback to inform them about what students already know and can do so they are able to plan the next steps for teaching and learning.
We believe through precision, personalization and professionalism every student can be a successful learner.
Specialist Teachers
Specialist teachers in Physical Education, Chinese Mandarin and The Arts teach lessons each week to all year levels. Swimming is taught from year one to year six in term one and four. Prep children participate in physical movement instruction in term one and commence swimming in term four.
An instrumental teacher and strings teacher work within our school, providing programs for students who participate in instrumental music.
Reporting to parents occurs in the form of written reports which are prepared at the end of each semester and in interviews which are scheduled in term one and three.
You Can Do It Education

Social and emotional well being is integral to a positive self concept and shaping success for each and every child. At Upper Mt Gravatt State School, You Can Do It Education is part of the weekly teaching and learning from prep to year six. You Can Do It Education is a social and emotional learning program with curricula aligned to the Australian Curriculum, incorporating the Personal and Social Capabilities. As an accredited Kids Matter School (now Be You) , we are confident the implementation of You Can Do It Education, recognized by Kids Matter as a best practice social and emotional learning program, positively fosters growth mindset of our children, developing their knowledge and skills in each of the five foundations.
The five foundations of the program, known to students as the You Can Do It Keys, form part of our everyday language in the classroom and in the playground.
- Confidence
- Getting Along
- Persistence
- Organisation
- Resilience
Focused teaching centres around the five foundations, developing positive attitudes which aid the formulation of positive social emotional skills which promote achievement, positive relationships and behaviours, as well as a high level of well being. The research-based framework developed by Michael Bernard and his colleagues forms the basis of the YCDI Education programs.