Welcome from our wonderful family at UMG.
We are excited that your child is a part of our community this year and look forward to a happy and safe learning journey.
We are here to celebrate and support your family as we work together in our UMG community.
The main objective of the P&C is to promote the interests of the school and to assist its development and further improvement.
The P&C works to achieve this objective in three ways by:
- raising funds to assist the purchase of equipment and resources that enhance teaching programs
- encouraging better communication and closer co-operation between the school, parents and the local community
- promoting a positive image of the school.
The P&C is a vital part of our school community. The school and the P&C work closely together to achieve goals and outcomes that benefit all our students.
In recent years, the P&C has contributed significantly to the resources available to our students. Through the efforts of our members, the school has acquired valuable literacy, science, information and multi-media resources, which support and enhance the children's learning experience.
We rely on the support of our families in order to continue to offer these important services for our children and our community.
Contact details: umgss.pandc@gmail.com