Dear Parents and Carers
Under the reviewed operating guidelines, parents and carers will be permitted on the campus once again from Monday 23 August. Details about waiting areas before and after school as well as exit times and exit gates are communicated below.
Students sit in the following areas on the ground level before school.
Junior Learning Undercroft – Year 1 and 2
Prep eating area – Outside JL03
These areas are supervised by teachers from 8:30am.
Parents are welcome to wait with their child in these areas before school.
A parent waiting area is also provided next to the pool.
Parent waiting area
Junior Learning Green (before school only)
Students need to be in their waiting areas at the 8:45am bell to meet their teacher for the start of the school day. Teachers are unable to meet with parents at this time.
Students are not permitted on the playground equipment before or after school.
Students will be released from class at 2:55pm to meet their parents or move to the exit gates.
Parents are welcome to wait in the Junior Learning Undercroft and the parent waiting area in the afternoon.
While the Junior Learning Green can be accessed by parents before school, we ask that parents do not wait in this area or outside classrooms in the afternoon.
Students attending YMCA are collected by YMCA staff form the Junior Learning Undercroft.
If you are not collecting your child from inside the campus, please ensure they know at which gate you will meet them. A staff member will continue to monitor at each exit point next week, however students will not be accompanied by teachers to exit gates as of Monday 23 August.